mj corey writes
DeKonstructing the Kardashians Podcast
The Kardashians Season 2 Episode 1 Recap

Paid episode

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The Kardashians Season 2 Episode 1 Recap

My sister and I discuss Kylie's verbose turn, how this episode was akin to the Paris Robbery Episode, conspicuous consumption at the Beverly Hills condo, and even get into a debate about surrogacy

I think we can all agree: this episode conveyed such extreme existential despair that it was almost hard to watch. As I wrote for Vogue, “for those who critique the Kardashians for their “hyper-curated” narratives, these bracing 45 minutes might offer some compensatory realness.” That doesn’t mean there weren’t some perfectly precise narrative constructs at play. Marie and I discuss the jarring fact that we haven’t heard Kylie say so many words in such a long time until this episode, the shameless performance of conspicuous consumption at Kris Jenner’s Beverly Hills condo, why this episode called to mind the Paris robbery episode, and we even debate some surrogacy stuff through a Marxist feminist lens.

We also get progressively more stoned, even though I wasn’t participating because I knew I had a recap to write once my sister left!! I still felt it lmao. Sometimes I think we talk too much and too fast for these conversations to count as pods, and I promise that if we ever get real funding, we’ll slow it down and like…actually define and contextualize some of the terms we use and hone in on some of the topics we tend to skate over. Until then, this is mostly a sneak peek inside Kardashian-oriented sister time lol

Let me know what you thought of the episode!

Hulu finally dropped the screeners for the next two episodes at noon today and I just watched one ahead. I kinda take back what I said to Sam Sanders at Vulture earlier this week — the show is finding its stride.

This post is for paid subscribers

mj corey writes
DeKonstructing the Kardashians Podcast
Keeping Up with the Hyperreality of the massive media project that is Kim Kardashian et al.